Research Group of the Standing Committee of the Dongguan Municipal People's Congress Visited Tangxia to Investigate the Development of Key Enterprises
2021/02/03 View:163

On the morning of May 19, Dongguan Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Vice Chairman He Yupei rate of the city's research group to Tangxia Town to visit and investigate the development of key enterprises, and held a symposium to help enterprises to alleviate the difficulties. Tangxia Township Committee Deputy Secretary, Mayor Ye Huiming, the relevant departments responsible for the symposium, Township People's Congress Chairman Yang Xiaobin, Deputy Mayor Zhao Ningfa accompanied the research.
Ltd., the research group visited the company's production workshop, listened carefully to the introduction of business operations, a detailed understanding of the production and operation of enterprises, the current market situation and product research and development, and in-depth discussions on related issues.
In the subsequent forum, Zhao Ningfa reported the town of Tangxia industrial indicators in the first quarter, the annual forecast of industrial indicators, the implementation of measures to benefit enterprises and the next step in the work of measures.

Representatives of 7 participating enterprises made speeches around the situation of resumption of work and production, output value in the first quarter, problems and matters to be coordinated and resolved. Tangxia's relevant department heads responded to the problems reflected by the enterprise representatives, such as road optimization, control regulation adjustment, process approval, and schooling for children of enterprise employees.
Ye Huiming reported the first quarter of economic operation in Tangxia Town, introduced the town of Tangxia masks and other epidemic prevention materials export industry alliance related to the situation.

According to reports, in order to help "Made in Dongguan" to fight the global war of resistance against the epidemic, give full play to the advantages of the manufacturing industry in Tangxia, May 6, by the first batch of nearly 30 related enterprises composed of masks and other anti-epidemic materials export industry alliance was announced in Tangxia Town. The alliance will create a manufacturing, procurement, e-commerce, circulation in one of the industrial chain platform, to create Tongxia Town masks and other epidemic prevention materials industry cluster.

Ye Huiming said, at present, Tangxia set up an economic operation monitoring and scheduling headquarters, to protect the order, stabilize the market, grasp the investment, promote consumption, strengthen the support of stable economic growth, do a good job of "six stable" work, and strive to promote the Tangxia economy to accelerate the recovery. At the same time, Tangxia to enterprise demand-oriented, precise focus on the difficulties of enterprises, from the policy, resources and other aspects of a comprehensive approach to help enterprises tide over the difficulties.
He Yupei Tangxia to promote the development of stable economic initiatives taken to give affirmation, encouraging enterprises to face up to and properly solve the various types of problems encountered in the development of the crisis in search of opportunities to promote the enterprise to achieve greater development.

He Yupei said, Tangxia as the center of the southeast of the deep area, to make full use of the location, policies, resources, industries and other advantages, take the initiative to play a role in seizing the Dongguan faced with the "three zones superimposed" major historical opportunities to do a good job of economic and social development in a wartime state of work, and strive for high-quality development in Dongguan to contribute to the strength of Tangxia. The following is a summary of the work we have done in the past few years